・゚✧ about ★彡
Hellooooo Neocities!! I'm angel, the creator of this cool site! (*´ω`*)
I'm a genderfluid weirdo which goes by any pronouns! I'm obsessed with marvel, dc, ace attorney, sonic, animations of all sorts and currently do art and dabble in a bit of music! That's really all haha, nice to meet ya!
I created this site as a way to form a place for my interests about a 2 or so years ago, but since i got caught so up in tumblr and all my other social media sites.. it was left to decay! I'm currently working on adding my avengers shrine, and more updates to come. Thank you for entering my sanctuary, and hope you enjoy your time here!! Thank you for visiting!! and just so you know, this site Best viewed in Mozilla Firefox, 1920x1080.
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- 9-23-24:switched out my 404 page with a new one, repurposed 404 page for sitemap, which is now DONE. addded my status.cafe and added even more buttons and blinkies, fanlistings is now DONE. AND FINALLY, FINALLY GOT MY OWN BUTTON!! EVERYTHING ON MY TO-DO LIST IS NOW DONE!! EVERY PAGE IS ACCESSIBLE!! CHECK IT OUT YALL!!
- 9-22-24: working on adding fanlistings of stuff i haven't applied to but are going to add anyway. moved updates! adding more blinkies and buttons and working on crossing off stuff on my to-do list. ARCHIVES AND SHRINES ARE NOW FULLY FUNCTIONAL AND PRETTY!! PLEASE CHECK THEM OUT!!
- 9-21-24: moved some stuff around, added a functional calender, fixed some of the image issues on my end, working on getting that done for blog. might change the blog around, got update scrollbox fixed, fixed guestbook links!
- 9-20-24: bug fixes, finally added that button marquee, and the cooler "welcome" top marquee. working on getting fanlistings up!
- 9-18 & 19-24: more updates, bug fixes.
- 5-29-22: site revamp, lol
- 12-19-21: created site
・゚✧ Cool sites & Internet Neighbors! ★彡