So... hello. Welcome. My name is Angel, and this is my site.

Originally, this site was suppuosed to be where i'd put all my interests and stuff, as you've probably already saw from my main page, but it never really came to frution the way i wanted it to. I ended up abandoning it around two years ago, mostly due to personal issues and me having to actually think about my own life from this point foward.

I guess for the most part that now that i'm actually going to be try and be dedicated to something like this.. i think i'll make it more of my own. Maybe a space theme? I dunno. I like the idea of me putting what really matters in my life all in one place. Makes me feel.. important? I don't know how to explain it, really.

Regardless, hopefully i'll have more links together in the meantime, and from this point forward i'll try to update the site more and actually dedicate mmyself to something like this, even if It seems daunting. I wanna make something out of this, yknow? Something me.

Um.. that's about it. I might update this about me sometime soon, but for now this will do. Thank you for visiting, it means alot. Feel free to add to the chatbox,,, (when i get it working, lol)
